Tuesday, February 9, 2016

When Darkness Falls

Put me in a box and close the top and listen to my thoughts load the clip.....cock and squeeze and watch the force paint the world in black and red.

Internal homicide.....Picture a square peg in a world full of round holes....a story that seems to never unfold amongst the dog eared pages of a man who's sick twisted thoughts and intentions fuel his pen to bring you stories untold.

Feelings under the watchful  eye of yours truly......right me off as the misunderstood fool with his pen and awkward thoughts....lets place him in a box and seal the top.  My heart is what they say it's not but with a dark twisted spot.

Place your cares on the surface of my beating heart and watch it erode the cares and concern of the people who throw stones in glass houses....you water logged rebuttals have found a home in the putrid puddles of your tears.